Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Best of the Crafty Southpaw: 20 Reasons Poker is Like Life

I got nothing.  But here's something I wrote back when I had six readers, and one of them is no longer around.  I miss you, DB Cooper, you plane-jumping Canuck...  Anyway, Enjoy!

20 Reasons why Poker is Like Life
  • You can do everything right and still lose.
  • You can do everything wrong and still win.
  • Sometimes the bastards win.
  • Sometimes the idiots win.
  • When the chips are down, you usually lose; but when you win under those circumstances it's incredibly sweet (and memorable).
  • Every so often you don't deserve what you get but you get it anyway.
  • There is no substitute for hard work.
  • You can be cruising along, thinking you have the world by the balls, and something will come out of nowhere to bruise and bloody you.
  • It's not what you deserve; it's what you take.
  • You will get the feeling that your friends, life, and God Almighty Himself are conspiring against you. Sometimes you will be right.
  • Coming in second place can win you acclaim, notoriety, and money - but it's a pale shadow to winning.
  • Having friends is more fulfilling than being a lone wolf. Defeats are softened, and victory sweetened, when shared with friends.
  • If you don't learn from your mistakes, you are bound to repeat them, over and over again.
  • Know thy enemy as you know thyself.
  • Chance favors the prepared.
  • Boorish, brash, uneducated behavior wins you little but the silent contempt of your peers, bearing in mind rule 4.
  • In a perfect world, you either win with honor or lose with honor. Sometimes your adversary does not believe or practice this rule - but you should still, all the more because he does not.
  • If you don't love it, it's an excruciating way to make a living.
  • If you swim in waters too deep for you, it rarely ends well.
  • There is always someone smarter than you.


  1. I want someone to teach me poker

  2. Carmel--me too.

    Gary, very nice post, worth recycling! I think I'll bookmark this and study it when I'm waiting to get in a game next time.

    1. Thanks buddy - glad you got a kick out of it.

  3. did db cooper pass away? or just stop blogging?

    1. Well of course the real DB Cooper is lost to the four winds. But this one had a falling-out with one of the members of this little chucklefest during a Very Josie poker game and has dropped out of the daily doin's. Shame: the only thing I knew about him was that he liked my blog, but that was good enough for me.

  4. I have one!

    Being overly aggressive seems to work really well, until suddenly it doesn't.

  5. Gary - all true. "Chance favors the prepared" is why people think Josie is a luckbox. She's not, she's just prepared.

    I hate that last one. It's hard for me to believe it and I know you feel the same way about yourself. :-)

    1. I put that last because it's the hardest lesson to learn...

  6. Hmmm ... wondering if the Anonymous comment is from DB Cooper ... and if DB Cooper was the REAL DB Cooper ... : o )

    1. if so he's using an anonymous proxy. I got nothing from his neck o' the woods that showed up on my counter thingy.

  7. 'I got nothing'.....I like this start to your blog because as Cool Hand Luke said, "sometime's nothing is a pretty cool hand". And this is a pretty cool list for having 'nothing'. Life like poker!


    1. Thanks Lindy - and welcome to the site. Feel free to come back and to comment any time!

  8. Now I really want to watch a re-run on the whole DB cooper thing
