Thursday, April 19, 2012


***2:00AM SATURDAY: UPDATE AT BOTTOM OF PAGE***After dinner, while taking the trash out, I lost my footing, fell down two cement steps (I was shirtless at the time), collided with the garbage cans, somehow took a right angle and fell down four more cement steps.  I was reduced to literally yelling "help! help!" so that Tootsie could come and get me, which she finally did. Only by wedging her body behind mine was I able to pivot my legs to the side to begin the process of standing up, which I did none too steadily.

I can't take a deep breath without a stabbing pain in my right ribcage; can't bend down or twist in that direction.  I think I've broken a rib or two.  My upper body is covered in strawberries of bright red. I suspect that when the shock wears off I am going to be in a symphony of pain.

I think I actually might need to go to the hospital this time.  Tomorrow should tell the full tale.

***UPDATE: It looks like I'll survive.  I've had six ibuprofen and my last two percocets, so maybe it's the meds talking but being in one spot is pain-free.  Moving is still problematic, but hell: moving is for the ambitious. I can take a deep breath without pain so I am optimistic about getting some sleep tonight.  Drowsiness overtaking me; have made and erased many mistakes. Even more reason to be hopeful about sleeping.  Proper update tomorrow.


  1. Oh, Gary, that sucks. There is almost nothing worse than broken ribs. You just plain can't do anything without it hurting.

  2. I actually think I ripped a muscle in my ribcage as opposed to breaking a rib...don't know whuch is worse - typing hurts for gods sake. Took 20 min to type this reply but the Advil has kicked in a little bit at least...

  3. not broke - probably just cracked at best.
    Take it easy and don't play contact sports for the next decade and you'll be fine.

    Also, tell Tootsie you'll have to be on top for a while.

    1. Contact sports? HA! It is to laugh...I can guarantee no contact sports for a decade. I can actually guarantee 20 years.

  4. Reading the description of your fall made me wince. That really, really sucks. Sorry for your troubles.

    You might want to consider going to the hospital now. If nothing else, pain meds could make you more comfortable.

  5. That sucks...who tripped ya?...somebody had to of tripped ya...

  6. Yikes! Read up til you fell down the first couple steps shirtless then chuckled. I'm a terrible person, sorry. Then I finished reading and felt like a shit person.

    If it makes you feel any better, Grrouchie broke his foot when he was stepping down off a store rack :)

    Sorry you hurt. Hope you feel better soon,please for the love of all that's good go to the doctor.

  7. I separated cartilage in my ribs twice. Owwwww -- painful. Hope you are okay, Gary.

  8. Sorry to hear about this, Gary, hope you get better real soon. I fell myself a few days ago but without such devasting results, tho I couldn't put any pressure on my knew for a few days.

  9. Update: Must sleep immediately : o )

  10. Ouch - hope you feel better soon.

  11. Those must be good drugs if you woke up at 2am and thought it was Saturday!

    Try to take it easy and feel better man. Broken ribs are a bitch. My father had his broken in a car accident and he still can't sleep on that side almost 10 years later.

  12. "Moving is still problematic, but hell: moving is for the ambitious."

    Don't get "too ambitious" today. Hope the soreness goes away ASAP.
