Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taking a Break

I'm going to take some time off from poker, from this wonderful, frustrating, horrible game.  I'm just tired. That also means I'm probably going to stop blogging, more or less, as if my output were anything close to regular to begin with.

My head isn't even close to being in the right place - I wish I could tell you about it but some things just need to stay private. Suffice to say that things need to change for me.  I don't know how to best go about it - I made a few very painful changes already that I suspect will ultimately work out but in the meantime it's like I cut off my arm and lost my best friend and fell through a plate glass window all at the same time. I'm angry and sad and bitter and I am in no condition to play poker for money.

So, to my friends who read this blog, to the friends I've made at the Mookie, at the Very Josie, and throughout my travels, this is not goodbye, but it is so long for a while.  Think of me every so often; I'll be thinking of you.


  1. Wow. I'll be thinking of ya. Take care.

  2. Good luck working out your issues. I'm sure everything will turn out well in the end.

    In the meantime, I'll miss reading your entries.

    Hang on with both hands my friend.
